Welcome to our new home port on the web! I'd like to thank Sam Hankinson and Nick Stenstrup for all the work they put in designing this new site. Our goal is to regularly blog about what's going on with the Know Your Ships book and also about what’s new with the lakers we all love so much, so look not only for posts from myself, but from other members of our team. For those who have been asking, pre-orders for the 2024 edition start on this site March 9. Those who pre-order will have their books set out first (U.S. only for logistical reasons, sorry). I am thrilled at the stories in this year's book, as well as the huge variety of images from so many talented photographers around the Great Lakes (including 18 newcomers to our pages!). You'll be hearing more about those individuals and others in the future. – Roger LeLievre
That's me, flanked by Sam (left) and Nick (right) at the re-dedication of the vintage tug America at the Port of Monroe last fall.
