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Field Guide to Boats & Boatwatching on the Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway
Everything you need to know about the ships that pass our shores, including:
The lowdown on hundreds of U.S., Canadian and international-flag vessels that sail the inland seas, including owner and port of registry, vital statistics, and former names, boat pictures, stacks & flags, locks & canals, and stories about ships and sailors.
The 2025 Edition of Know Your Ships is currently in production at our long-time press house, ULitho / University Lithoprinters (website).
Our official release date is March 25, but preorders begin shipping immediately upon completion and will frequently arrive before books are available in stores.
NEW Summer EXTRA Preorder!
This year you can preorder your Know Your Ships: EXTRA magazine when you order the regular book and get an early bird special on shipping! Sorry, EXTRA preorder only available to U.S. customers.